Straight teeth can boost your self-esteem and social life. It can make face-to-face interactions easier, making you feel more comfortable in social settings. Enter Invisalign, a set of clear aligners that are just as effective as braces without visual obtrusiveness. Not only are these orthodontic appliances super effective in straightening teeth, but they’re a lot more discreet than traditional braces.
But do Invisalign aligners have a downside? Most importantly, can the constant pressure these appliances exert on misaligned teeth cause damage? Keep reading to find out!
Invisalign boasts a success rate of 75% to 90% and more often than not does a perfect job. However, in cases where a patient fails to follow the dentist’s guidelines, these appliances can fail and even result in teeth damage. For instance, swapping out your Invisalign earlier than you should could exert too much pressure on the teeth causing discomfort and soreness. Doing this consistently could make your teeth feel loose.
Consuming carbonated and sugary drinks while wearing Invisalign trays could also damage your teeth. That’s because the carbonated and fizzy drinks get trapped in between the teeth and aligners. As a result, bacteria in the mouth will feed on the sugar in the drinks and produce acid that corrodes your teeth, causing dental decay.
Here are a few tips to avoid teeth damage while wearing the aligners:
The success of your Invisalign treatment primarily depends on the experience and proficiency of the person responsible for it. As such it’s important to find a qualified and reputable dentist for the best results. Sure, some dental clinics are cheaper but are they worth risking your smile, and, most importantly, your dental health?
The dentist will instruct you to wear the aligners for 20 to 22 hours every day. They might feel uncomfortable and even sore at first but you’ll eventually get used to them. Only remove your aligners when eating or brushing your teeth. You should also swap them out for a new pair every two weeks to achieve the intended results.
Wearing Invisalign aligners is no excuse to not brush and floss your teeth. In fact, maintaining your oral hygiene is easier with Invisalign, since you can remove them to brush and floss and put them back once you’re done. By keeping up your usual oral hygiene habits you can prevent dental decay and ensure the success of your treatment.
If you’re still on the fence about getting an Invisalign treatment, don’t hesitate any further. Connect with Legacy Dental Co at (281) 572-8435 and set up a convenient appointment with Dr. Jarvis Owens.