Dental cleaning is a procedure recommended every six months. Aside from the oral health benefits it provides, regular dental cleanings also keep the teeth white and clean and the gums strong and healthy.
Dental procedures can be scary, but at Legacy Dental Co., our Clear Lake dentists provide facilities that ensure our patients a level of confidence and comfortability we are proud of. Our team, the flow of communications, and the high level of patience are part of our best strengths.
In order to understand better the difference between regular vs. deep cleaning, we invite you to read the information below.
Regular teeth cleaning is recommended as part of anyone’s dental care routine. The aim of regular cleaning is to keep the teeth and gums clean to prevent cavities, gum bacteria, or tartar. During a regular cleanse, the teeth are cleaned front, back, and sides, and above the gum line.
It is done with special tools such as:
When teeth are not clean, they become more sensitive and susceptible to infections, even to the extreme of losing them.
Deep teeth cleaning is performed not only for the back, front, and side of the teeth, but it reaches the root of the teeth, below the gumline. It removes bacteria or tartar buildup between the root of the tooth and the gum, where the bones are affected by the infection.
When gum disease occurs, it makes the gums shrink leaving the tooth uncovered. A deep cleaning helps prevent any disease from spreading forward.
Deep cleaning usually requires two visits to the dentist - one for the gum scaling and the second one for the root planning (the procedure that removes subgingival bacteria). It also requires monitoring of the teeth and gums to make sure the procedure has concluded successfully.
Deep cleaning is recommended by the dentist when you already have an infection or gum disease such as gingivitis or periodontitis. It's also a better option if you have not had regular cleaning performed in more than six months.
This procedure adds a Periodontal Charting step where the hygienist or dentist measures the depth of the gum sockets to determine if the patient has gingivitis or periodontitis.
At Legacy Dental Co., we can help you get a bright and healthy smile.
Contact us now and get a consultation and learn more about our dental cleaning services.