Our team is excited to meet you and will become up to speed on your oral health through a thorough discussion of your dental history and concerns.
After examining your mouth, teeth, and gums, Dr. Owens will brief you on the state of your oral health and provide a customized treatment plan so you can maintain good dental health.
Using the latest advancements in x-ray technology, Dr. Owens will get an in-depth look beneath the surface of your smile and uncover any issues that may be invisible to the naked eye.
We want to make sure our patients have access to high-quality dental care, which is why we offer free ortho and cosmetic consultations that include a single x-ray and a discussion with Dr. Owens about recommended treatment. For patients who sign up for ortho treatment the same day, they will receive 10% off.
**Additional treatment may be required prior to beginning ortho.
Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us at Legacy Dental Co. to speak with our team.
Not at all! You will only pay $159 for your new patient special — no hidden costs here! If Dr. Owens notices any issues, he will address them and develop a treatment plan that works for your budget and unique oral health needs.
If your smile is healthy, our team will make sure to get you scheduled for a routine preventive appointment in six months! If Dr. Owens does recommend further treatment, he will be sure to walk you through your options and answer any questions you may have. It’s always our goal to help you feel informed and confident about your treatment plan at Legacy Dental Co.!
While we are not in-network with any providers, we offer a new patient special and an in-house membership plan. Even if you don’t have insurance, we’re committed to ensuring that all patients have access to quality, affordable care. Check out our financing options to learn more.